What we do
Crises that affect a company in various ways are increasingly becoming unavoidable facts of corporate life. In situations that have a real or perceived negative impact upon the reputation or general welfare of those who have a stake in a business or organization — employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders, or the community — effective communication is at the very core of effective crisis management. When a company confronts a difficult problem with little, if any, advance warning in advance, it must respond immediately to address a number of issues. How it responds and how rapidly, often dictate the impact upon a company’s reputation, operations and finances.
Events or actions that threaten a company or organization and its products or services can include: crises of public safety or public confidence; difficult relations with the media, neighbors, public officials and industry-related individuals and organizations; employee relations, civil liability and law enforcement.
ZJPR assists clients with the preparation and management of crisis communications plans and programs designed to establish a predetermined approach to issues such as:
Industrial Accidents Environmental Disasters
Product Recall
Utility Failures
Product Tampering
Natural Disasters
Labor Disputes and/or Strikes
Bomb Threats
Dissident shareholder disputes
The goals of crisis response planning include:
Preventing fatalities and injuries to employees and the public;
Providing guidelines for decision-making;
Identifying and clarifying responsibilities during the crisis;
Minimizing lost time and disruption of business;
Establishing communication databases and electronic transmission systems.
ZJPR also has considerable experience in assisting clients to prepare for and professionally manage crisis situations. It has been our experience that those companies that have a communications or operational plan in place at the time of the incident are far better able to address audiences and position the company in a more favorable light.
The Issues Management and Governmental Affairs Group of ZJPR is a team of strategists who have worked inside state and local government. The capabilities of the ZJPR team are strengthened by access to key decision makers at all levels of government, knowledge of public opinion and advocates on both sides of an issue.
ZJPR takes a strategic approach to achieving results on behalf of clients through sound analysis backed by the ability to organize supportive coalitions, grassroots organizations and media attention. Clients are provided with customized and cost-effective solutions in the management of sensitive community, political and governmental issues, developed in an environment of integrity and with a commitment to results.
ZJPR develops and executes strategic media relations programs to increase awareness and favorable acceptance of clients and issues which affect them. With strong editorial contacts, ZJPR has advanced clients' interests through tactics such as editorial board briefings, placement of feature articles and "op-ed" commentaries, press conferences and press kit development.

An important factor in the firm's success has been our steadfast dedication to the community. ZJPR was instrumental in the establishment of the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra and the United Performing Arts Fund and has been involved in a wide variety of cultural groups, activities, community development projects and other programs, including:
AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin
American Heart Association
Bel Canto Chorus
Camp Heartland
Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America
Crisis Communications
Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Wisconsin
Goodwill Industries International
Greater Milwaukee Committee
Lakefront Festival of the Arts
Leave A Legacy
The Milwaukee Art Museum
Milwaukee Ballet
Milwaukee Community Service Corps.
Milwaukee Public Library
Milwaukee Redevelopment Corporation
The Milwaukee Repertory Theater
Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra
Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra Chorus
Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra
Neighborhood House of Milwaukee
Public Policy Forum
United Performing Arts Fund
UWM Foundation
Wisconsin World Trade Association
Milwaukee Area Technical College
Wisconsin Conservatory of Music
Youth Village - Milwaukee
ZJPR draws on its many years of community service in counseling clients on their community involvement activities.
Zigman Joseph PR assists professional service firms in the promotion of their practice and staff through a wide variety of marketing communications activities, including:
Practice Development Planning - Undertaking a thorough examination of recent practice development activities. Often, this includes facilitating a practice development brainstorming session. Developing long-range marketing communications plans designed to build recognition and utilization of firm services.
Business/Trade Groups - Identifying area business/trade groups whose members might include current/potential clients. Increasing participation and exposure to such groups through membership and offering to speak at future meetings and/or write articles for newsletters.
Community Involvement - Assessing current participation and representation in key civic and community groups. Identifying and facilitating appropriate level of involvement to maximize business development opportunities.
Seminars - Identifying topics of interest to current and potential clients that can demonstrate firm capabilities. Coordinating (either independently or with complementary organizations) and promoting seminars through business calendar announcements, invitations to media, etc. Recommending and facilitating appropriate follow-up activities.
Media Relations - Planning and implementing a variety of media relations activities intended to result in regular, positive media coverage. Activities routinely include:
Developing "media background" kits for distribution to key media.
Facilitating introductions and ongoing contact with key editors.
Identifying appropriate "beat" editors/reporters at targeted local, regional and national business and trade media.
Establishing ongoing relationships in order to facilitate potential coverage.
Writing and distributing press releases on staff additions, new products/services, recognitions, etc.
Seeking outlets for by-lined article opportunities.
Regional Business Publications - Reviewing business publication editorial calendars to identify topics to be covered that could present an opportunity to highlight firm capabilities. Contacting editors to suggest story ideas and/or offer executives as media resources for specific topics.
Collateral Materials - Reviewing existing brochures, newsletters, etc. and, as needed, developing new and/or refined materials.
Sponsorship/Underwriting - Reviewing current sponsorship/underwriting activity and, if appropriate, identifying additional opportunities.
Research - Designing and conducting research related to firm's business/industry to facilitate planning and marketing. Select results are also often packaged for distribution to current/prospective clients and the media.
From beds to beverages and beer-crackers to bovines, for more than 30 years Zigman Joseph PR has maintained significant involvement in the nation’s and region’s leading food & beverage, hospitality and agricultural industries, such as:
Aunt Nellie’s (manufacturer of processed foods of domestic and export markets)
Baptista’s Bakery Inc. (national specialty bread products)
Beloit Beverage Company (Wisconsin beverage distributor)
Benihana (Japanese steakhouse and sushi restaurant)
BUCA’s Little Italy (chain restaurant)
Buffalo Water Brewing Company
Ciatti’s (restaurant chain)
Enreco, Inc. (producer of human-grade flax products for animals)
Fuddruckers (restaurant chain)
Hillshire Foods (national food company)
Hotel Metro (Milwaukee Thirties’ style luxury hotel)
Johnsonville Foods, Inc. (national sausage manufacturer)
Jones Dairy Farm
Pabst Corporation (major national brewery)
Peck Foods (Milwaukee food processing and manufacturing company)
Pinah’s (rye chip snack foods)
Potawatomi Red Deer Farm (tribal venture into national venison marketplace)
Racine Danish Kringle (Wisconsin-based manufacturer of gourmet Danish pastries)
Universal Foods (Milwaukee-based food processing company)
Welch’s (national beverage company)
The range of marketing communications and issues management activities for these clients have included:
developing consumer-driven public relations plans to influence buying-decision makers;
designing and implementing comprehensive media relations programs, including orchestrating regional media events, local and national media tours and live media appearances;
designing product rollouts
directing the introduction of a brand name product, service or establishment to
the market place
identifying, training and otherwise grooming spokespersons for media appearances and public speaking;
directing special promotions including product promotion, product sampling and distribution;
orchestrating and coordinating new plant hotel, restaurant and openings;
providing counsel for developing relationships with key officials;
developing and executing crisis management plans surrounding labor, environment and product contamination issues;
advising on appropriate community involvement and outreach and facilitating activities.
Special events can play a significant role in positively positioning companies and organizations among key audiences. We regularly work with clients to increase their visibility through a process of recommending and coordinating special events, developing accompanying press materials and collateral pieces and conducting appropriate media relations activities.
Zigman Joseph PR offers the experience and expertise to efficiently and cost-effectively coordinate and provide assistance with virtually any special event, including:
• Receptions
• Groundbreakings
• Award presentations
• Grand openings
• Press conferences
• Trade show exhibitions
• Annual meetings
• Fundraising activities
• Seminars
• Anniversary celebrations
• Hotel and Restaurant openings